#95 A simple Sonoff siren trigger

Remote siren Sonoff device

While looking for ways to trigger a siren through the internet I decided to make a small project using inexpensive modules. I decided to use the SonOff RE5V1C without an enclosure because it was the cheapest option available that would satisfy all my requirements. Likewise I used the LM2596S because it was a cheap and easy to use option unfortunately some of the mini options (like the LM2596 Mini Buck Regulator) are to cumbersome when adjusting the output voltage.

Simple schematic (replaced mini with LM2596S )

The number 1 major pain of this simple project was the red and black speaker wire I used…. This wire is actually more of a pinkish color and the insulation can be torn easily by my fingers however, the problem is dirty copper wire inside this cheap cable that would not solder even with a generous amount of flux.. I had to expose the copper and then try to clean them with vinegar and this partially worked.. However lots of time was wasted with this mundane cleaning. Even standard store bought ripcord solders fine compared to this wire….

Anyway in the end it worked out the way I wanted it to and it’s quite light and reliable, I have the whole system hooked up to a dedicated 12v battery that is trickle charged so when the power goes out the devices will still be operational for quite a while.

The RE5V1C uses from 80mA to 250mA according to the datasheet but I have a 40W siren connected to the relay so if triggered it will use from about 3A to 3.5A depending on the supplied voltage 11.5v – 13v

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