#113 2011 Major Tech MTD84 Voltage Adjustment

I have had the Major Tech MTD84 multimeter for 11 years now. Before I went off to another city far away for my first job my father purchased it for me as a parting gift. It was a low to mid range meter at that time and seems to be currently discontinued.
Now my meter is beat up but it reads just fine for the may DC projects I make however the voltage started to drift and has slowly become less accurate.
Luckily there is a few variable potentiometers on the PCB which can be adjusted to bring the accuracy back up to spec again. They allow for the DC, AC and Temp values to be adjusted no current option from what I could see. Even though I have a few multimeters I still can’t seem to throw this old one away…

So in order to set the correct voltage I had to connect a known working accurate multimeter to a battery along with the faulty one. For this I used the aneng8009 which has very good current and voltage accuracy for a cheapie.. Know I slowly adjusted the voltage variable potentiometer until the volts were mostly the same on each meter. (even though the MTD84 only has 2 decimal places it’s still close enough)
Very cool now the old multimeter is not so bad anymore with all it’s through hole resistors and electrolytic capacitors… perhaps next time I’ll have to replace a dry capacitor.