#107 Identifying fake IP5306 MH-CD42 modules

Over the past 4 years I have been purchasing an all in one LiPo charge, protect and step up module for my LiPo battery projects.
This module has worked quite well but I have noticed some fake modules starting to creep in the market again…
Now I can live with fake chips that work close to spec.. but in this case the IC would power on once.. and then die completely.
The Module uses the IP5306 all in one power bank IC. There is a version which uses the MH-CD42 IC but I have always received a module containing the IP5306.
Therefore I will focus on this IC.
The module charges via 5v and steps up a non protected 3.7V battery to 5v, it also offers protection to the battery.
Over current protection (OCP), over-voltage protection (OVP) short circuit protection (SCP) and over temperature protection (OTP)
2.1A of current can be supplied which is a great reservoir for DIY projects and sometimes even an overkill.
After stating the most attractive traits above you can see why this module is much loved.

Unfortunately once a module becomes extremely successful fakes start appearing out of the wood work trying to steal some glory.
And as usual the consumer suffers the brunt of the con job..
Thankfully in my case I only came across 2 modules that were fake and I was able to alert my local supplier.
Hopefully they will do something about it… and in case anyone has a similar issue I will do a small breakdown of the tattle tail signs these con boards display.
So you too will be able to identify and maybe save yourself some annoyance and time but most importantly save yourself some money.
Now I was able to compare 2 modules.
The fake has external circuitry which works and is laid out the same way as the original.
The fake IP5306 IC is the culprit here.
Soldering an original to the fake module actually can bring the module back to life again!
So if you are able to get a few working IP5306 chips you may be able to get your modules working again.
The tattle tail singes are:
Fake: text on PCB is faded
Fake: text on inductor is faded
Fake: text on IC looks elongated
Fake: text on IC is also slightly faded
Fake: The pin one identification is a small circular flat indent (original has a smaller concave ident like a ball)
Fake: the Infineon logo is close to the centre left of the IC and the thickness of the logo is very thin (original has a thick logo and is located upper left on the IC)
Fake: the inductor is completely flat (original has an ident all around the edge of the inductor)
The face capacitors, resistors, LED’s, button and inductor seem to be the correct values but I cannot speak to the quality of them
My theory is that the chip has a dye which is far inferior to that of the original and thus it failed.
It could also be a complete fake in some cases.