#92 Repairing a D5 EVO PCB board
After a huge thunderstorm I noticed that the IR beams on my old electric gate were not working so I decided to take a look at the IR beams connected my electric gates poles.
After opening the IR beams enclosure I was greeted with a burnt PCB.
Upon closer inspection I was able to determine that after a lightning strike the bolt flowed through the pole then through the screw inside the enclosure and then from the bolt to the IR PCB board,
The board fried and then the bolt transferred from the IR beam PCB to the D5 EVO positive output PCB terminal and blew up a SMD power mosfet above the 12v relay.
Strangely enough the D5evo PCB could still open and close the electric gate it seems that the only thing affected by the lightning strike was the output power terminal and the destroyed mosfet (55L104 N-Channel)
I had to purchase a set of two new IR beams for R950.00 but I decided to see if I could repair the D5EVO PCB myself. I decided to use an IRL520N N-Channel mosfet since this was commonly available at the time. Unfortunately I could only find the TO-220 package so I had to bend the mosfet a bit but it worked out in the end.